What Would You Do? #4

Scenario #4:

You’re driving home from work when you witness a hit-and-run accident. The driver speeds away, leaving the victim lying injured on the side of the road. You’re the only witness to the incident.

Possible responses:

  • Immediately call emergency services and assist the victim until help arrives.
  • Pursue the hit-and-run driver to obtain their license plate number or other identifying information.
  • Leave the scene and report the incident to the police later.
  • Remain anonymous and avoid any involvement in the investigation.

Discussion questions:

  • How would you weigh your personal safety and potential involvement against your moral obligation to help the victim?
  • What emotions might arise from witnessing such a traumatic event and making a decision under pressure?
  • Would you be willing to put yourself at risk to apprehend the hit-and-run driver and bring them to justice?
  • How would you cope with the potential consequences of your actions, such as being called as a witness or facing retaliation from the perpetrator?
  • How would this experience impact your perception of personal responsibility and civic duty?

Additional considerations:

  • Explore the potential legal and ethical implications of your actions or inaction.
  • Consider the potential impact of your decision on the victim’s well-being and their ability to seek justice.
  • Reflect on the importance of community responsibility and the role of witnesses in ensuring public safety.
  • Emphasize the value of courage and compassion in making difficult decisions that could have a significant impact on others’ lives.

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